I am very excited and very blessed to be serving with you in 2017-2018.
Our Bible verse this year is Matthew 10:42. “And if, as my representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded.”
When we participate in any of the Auxiliary programs or make a donation we are “giving cups of cold water” to little ones. Such acts bring change to lives, hope to hearts and new light to eyes.
If you are not able to join us in these activities, we welcome your support and participation through donations. Please choose from the list below to decide how you would like to serve this year.
- Stuffing backpacks
- Filling Santa Sacks
- Ringing bells at a kettle at North Park
- Working a shift at Angel Tree at North Park
- Distributing Angel Tree gifts
- Taking a meal to the Women’s shelter
- Serving cake at the ARC
- Serving on a Fashion Show Committee
- Working at the WEARhouse sale
I look forward to working beside you as we continue to assist The Salvation Army in “Doing the Most Good”.
Betsy Willis